Sunday, April 24, 2011

Alissa and Lola's post-Sketchabout sketches

The final Great Garden Sketchabout ended on a wet day with champagne and a lovely afernoon tea. But both Lola (my mum) and I felt as though we needed another session at the Garden, So last Tuesday, with blue sky and sunshine we headed back in for a few hours.

The first stop was the cafe of course...

and then down to the Lawn

and I sketched the sketcher (Lola) ...

while she sketched the trees...

there were Ibis around

and lots of people having picnics on the grass

another lovely day......


  1. Dear Alissa,
    Lovely sketches! Please pass my best wishes to your mom, Lola:).
    Kind regards, Sadami

  2. Gorgeous sketches for the final day!
